High-Quality Care and Education
Expanded Operational Hours
to accommodate the 12-hour day-shift
Higher Staff Wages for Recruitment/Retention
Webster County has experienced a decline in child care for over a decade, a problem that was compounded by the pandemic. When parents are unable to find quality care for their children, they are forced to stay home, forgo additional income, work reduced hours or leave the community.
The lack of child care has a domino effect. Parents are passing up promotions, employees miss work and businesses are unable to attract new employees to the community or retain employees that have or about to have children.
Linking Families and Communities has completed plans for Sprouts Early Education and Development School (SEEDS) to ensure efficiency, maximize capacity and ensure stability of the center for children, parents, businesses and the community. The school will provide quality care and education for 103 children age 6 weeks to 12 years annually, improving child outcomes and improving the workforce of today and tomorrow.
A project of this magnitude cannot be completed alone. We invite you to take part in the Planting the SEEDS for a Brighter Future campaign to build a brighter for our children and our community.

Its time to Plant the SEEDS for A Brighter Future. With the support of our friends, businesses and grant funding, we will reach our goal and increase access to quality child care in the community.
Gifts can include cash or securities and other giving methods. Gifts will be accepted according to Linking Families and Communities' gift acceptance policies.
Gifts can include bequests, real estate, life insurance and personal property.
Matching gifts through your employer or spouse’s employer can double, even triple your gift.
Pledges are encouraged and may be extended over a period of up to three years (a reminder will be mailed to you each year).
Your gift may be made in honor or in memory of someone special (a letter recognizing your gift will be mailed to the person you are honoring or the family of the person you are memorializing).
Please know that your gift to Linking Families and Communities is tax deductible to the greatest extent of the law.