Preschool Tuition Assistance
Linking Families and Communities offers preschool tuition assistance to help families send their children to preschool. Tuition assistance is awarded on a first-come first-served basis. Applications are released on July 1st of each year for the upcoming school year.
2024-2025 Preschool Year Information:
To qualify for Preschool Tuition Assistance the following must be met:
Child is age 3, 4 or 5 by September 15, 2024;
Attend an eligible, quality preschool program; AND
Complete a Preschool Tuition Assistance Application and provide:
One month’s worth of paycheck stubs, child support income, Family Investment Program (FIP) income, Social Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI); OR
Tax Return from last year.
For families with income at or below the amounts listed on the Preschool Tuition Assistance Application and that meet the qualifying criteria as listed below, Linking Families & Communities will pay up to $150 of the monthly preschool tuition to a qualifying preschool. Those meeting the criteria with a family income higher than what is listed on the application may be awarded partial assistance. Only preschool programs that have met Linking Families and Communities’ Quality Preschool Program Requirements can accept Preschool Tuition Assistance funding.

Eligible preschools for the 2024-2025 school year include:
Dodger Preschool (Fort Dodge) – (515) 955-6060
Little Lambs Preschool (Fort Dodge) - (515) 576-6308
Pocahontas All Star-T Preschool (Pocahontas) - (712) 335-4025
South Central Calhoun CSD Preschool (Rockwell City & Lake City) – (712) 297-8621
St. Edmond Preschool (Fort Dodge) – (515) 955-6077
St. Paul Lutheran Preschool (Fort Dodge) – (515) 955-7208
Download: Preschool Tuition Assistance Application
Solicitud de Asistencia Para Matrículas Preescolares
Download: Area Preschool List
NOTE: Due to the state-wide voluntary preschool program for four-year-old children, most 4-year-old preschool programs in the area do not charge tuition for children that are age 4 by September 15th.